Twisto | PayU Pay Later

Increase sales using innovative credit products tailored for e-commerce.

Twisto | PayU Pay Later – benefits for your e-store


Increase in sales

Średnio o 12% więcej klientów decyduje się na zakup – niezdecydowani chętniej zrobią zakupy, jeśli mogą sprawdzić produkt zanim za niego zapłacą.


Larger orders

Twisto account users make purchases up to 20% larger than those paying with traditional methods.


More frequent purchases

Twisto account users shop up to 150% more frequently compared to those using traditional payment methods.


Limiting cash on delivery sales

Up to 25% of customers paying cash on delivery will choose Pay Later with Twisto.


Instant fund transfer

Pieniądze ze sprzedaży otrzymasz od PayU tak samo szybko, jak w przypadku innych metod płatności – przeważnie kolejnego dnia.

wykres wzrostu

Satisfied merchants

As many as 96% of sellers reported a positive impact from implementing the BNPL service in their online stores.

Benefits for the Buyer: